Kelly Kaufman 318-680-5996 PO Box 828, Athens TX 75751

Colorado Private Ranches - The Process

Note: The following names are used below: 
- Group organizer is referred to as the ("Master Hunter")
- Colorado Private Ranches is referred to as (“CPR”)
- Adobe Sign is an online electronic signature service
- PDF is a Portable Document Format developed by Adobe
- CPW is Colorado Parks and Wildlife

- Master Hunter contacts CPR about booking
- Master Hunter reviews the various Properties
- Master Hunter selects an available Season
- Master Hunter reviews selection with CPR

Step 2 - DEPOSIT
- CPR will email a Deposit invoice to the Master Hunter
- Master Hunter collects monies from the group Hunters
- Master Hunter to send one check to CPR
- Master Hunter sends Deposit and list of Hunters to CPR
- CPR will text Master Hunter once the Deposit is received

- CPR creates Adobe Sign hunting Contract for each Hunter
- CPR triggers Adobe Sign to send Contract to each Hunter
- Each Hunter reviews & electronically signs their Contract
- Contract is routed back to CPR for review and signature
- Adobe Sign sends fully executed Contract to both parties
- Each Hunter should save a PDF copy of their Contract

Step 4 - MAPS
- CPR creates a PDF with Maps and contact information
- The Property’s contact name and number will be included
- A topographic Map of the Property will be included
- Other Property specific and lodging information provided
- CPR will email the PDF bundle to the Master Hunter
- Master Hunter distributes the PDF bundle to their Group

Step 5 - BALANCE
- CPR will email the Balance due invoice in late July
- Final Balance is due before September 1st
- Master Hunter sends Balance due payment
- CPR will text Master Hunter once Balance due is received

Step 6 - GROUP
- Master Hunter emails their anticipated arrival date to CPR
- CPR creates a (“Group Listing”) of Hunter information
- Group Listing contains each Hunter's name and number
- Group Listing is organized by Property and by Season
- Group Listing is required by CPW as a safety precaution
- CPR will provide Group Listing to the Property's contact

Step 7 - THE HUNT
- Hunters should print a hardcopy of their Contract 
- Hunters should have their Contract on them while hunting
- Hunters arrive 1-3 days before their Hunt begins
- Hunters’ check-in with the local contact
- Local contact provides an overview of the Property 
- Local contact provides any last-minute instructions

Step 8 - POST HUNT
- Master Hunter will share harvest information with CPR
- Master Hunter will share harvest photos with CPR
- CPR appreciates your business and feedback
- CPR looks forward to discussing your next hunt